Hamburg Hole. I’m not
even sure where to start with this one. Because THIS PLACE IS ILLMATIC. The
cliff jumping is GNARLY. The height is
HERCULAIN. And to top it all off the
water is actually deep enough to make the jump. So now that that is out of the
Hamburg Hole is a criminally underutilized cliff jump
located right in between Potsville and Potststown, and let me just say, this
one is not for the faint of heart. The
claim to fame here is cliff jumping quality that is difficult to find anywhere
else. Period. I have only ever been to
one place that could stand toe to toe with Hamburg hole in terms of
ludicrousness and that was all the way in New Hampshire and required you to
sign a waver. The highest cliff face at
Hamburg hole is at least 45ft tall and takes balls the size of watermelons to
jump off of. I am quite serious. I’ve
done some stupid things in my days, and let me tell you, the highest peak here is scary. I probably could have written this entire
blog post in the amount of time it takes to fall from the top of Hamburg to the
time you land in the lake below. If you are looking for a serious thrill then
Hamburg hole is for you. Plain and
simple. Don’t be afraid to bring some
less serious friends though, because there is also a smaller jump off point
that is under 20 ft, just incredibly lame in comparison.
Here are the coordinates (Google Maps)
Here are the coordinates (Google Maps)
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